Blinde Welt (CH, 29 Min., 2024)
Vor 20 Jahren hat die Schweiz Chancengleichheit für Sehbehinderte gesetzlich verankert, und seither hat sich viel getan. Technologie spielt eine Schlüsselrolle im Alltag von blinden und seheingeschränkten Personen. So testet Bernarda Brunović, die seit Geburt blind ist, ein revolutionäres KI-Gerät, das ihr erlaubt, ihre Umgebung eigenständig zu erkunden. Josef Stöckli, der sein Augenlicht durch einen Tumor verloren hat, weiss ebenfalls um die Kraft der Technologie.
Und auch in der Augenheilkunde sorgt KI für eine bevorstehende Revolution: Ein innovativer Diagnose-Algorithmus könnte Ärztinnen und Ärzten die Analyse von Netzhaut-Scans erleichtern und Krankheiten frühzeitig erkennen.
Sendetermin: 29.08.24 auf SRF1 und am 17.11.24 auf 3Sat. Danach ist der Film auf dem Youtube Kanal von NZZ Format verfügbar. Hier ist der Link dazu!
Vor 20 Jahren hat die Schweiz Chancengleichheit für Sehbehinderte gesetzlich verankert, und seither hat sich viel getan. Technologie spielt eine Schlüsselrolle im Alltag von blinden und seheingeschränkten Personen. So testet Bernarda Brunović, die seit Geburt blind ist, ein revolutionäres KI-Gerät, das ihr erlaubt, ihre Umgebung eigenständig zu erkunden. Josef Stöckli, der sein Augenlicht durch einen Tumor verloren hat, weiss ebenfalls um die Kraft der Technologie.
Und auch in der Augenheilkunde sorgt KI für eine bevorstehende Revolution: Ein innovativer Diagnose-Algorithmus könnte Ärztinnen und Ärzten die Analyse von Netzhaut-Scans erleichtern und Krankheiten frühzeitig erkennen.
Sendetermin: 29.08.24 auf SRF1 und am 17.11.24 auf 3Sat. Danach ist der Film auf dem Youtube Kanal von NZZ Format verfügbar. Hier ist der Link dazu!

Regie: Lidija Burčak
Kamera: Stephan Huwyler, Till Haener, Ramon Königshausen
Schnitt: Felix Balke
Musik: Audio Network GmbH, Ramon Kramer Network
Stimme: Danny Exnar, Jonas Rüegg, Edward Piccin
Mixing: Brauereisound GmbH
Grading: Kamerawerk GmbH
Redaktion: Nicole Krättli
Leitung: Markus Ikehata
Kamera: Stephan Huwyler, Till Haener, Ramon Königshausen
Schnitt: Felix Balke
Musik: Audio Network GmbH, Ramon Kramer Network
Stimme: Danny Exnar, Jonas Rüegg, Edward Piccin
Mixing: Brauereisound GmbH
Grading: Kamerawerk GmbH
Redaktion: Nicole Krättli
Leitung: Markus Ikehata
Psychedelika in der Therapie (CH, 29 Min., 2023)
Sie wurden verteufelt, verbannt und verboten: Psychedelische Substanzen wurden lange Zeit als Drogen abgetan. Doch seit 15 Jahren blüht die Psychedelika-Forschung wieder auf.
NZZ Format begleitet zwei DMT-Studien und thematisiert die Substanz-assistierte Psychotherapie: Heilung durch psychedelische Erfahrungen. Drogen sind wieder auf Weg Medikamente zu werden.
Sendetermin: 14.09.23 auf SRF1 und 05.11.23 auf 3Sat danach online verfügbar auf SRF Mediathek und NZZ Format online. Hier ist der Link!
Sie wurden verteufelt, verbannt und verboten: Psychedelische Substanzen wurden lange Zeit als Drogen abgetan. Doch seit 15 Jahren blüht die Psychedelika-Forschung wieder auf.
NZZ Format begleitet zwei DMT-Studien und thematisiert die Substanz-assistierte Psychotherapie: Heilung durch psychedelische Erfahrungen. Drogen sind wieder auf Weg Medikamente zu werden.
Sendetermin: 14.09.23 auf SRF1 und 05.11.23 auf 3Sat danach online verfügbar auf SRF Mediathek und NZZ Format online. Hier ist der Link!

Regie: Lidija Burčak
Kamera: Stephan Huwyler
Schnitt: Caroline Feder
Musik: Ephrem Lüchinger, Ramon Kramer Network
Stimme: Lotti Happle
Mixing: Brauereisound GmbH
Grading: Flemming Postproduction
Redaktion und Leitung: Markus Stein
Kamera: Stephan Huwyler
Schnitt: Caroline Feder
Musik: Ephrem Lüchinger, Ramon Kramer Network
Stimme: Lotti Happle
Mixing: Brauereisound GmbH
Grading: Flemming Postproduction
Redaktion und Leitung: Markus Stein
Working on my book (CH/GR, 2022, 1min)
When people ask me how it was to create my book: Intense time while diving into my old diaries that I wrote from 1999 - 2016, old stories, thoughts, habits, mistakes, hopes, fears and all those things that make us unique, problematic and beautiful. Even though I was on my own I was accompanied by my old & new self. Sharing that video of the process feels more intimate than the book itself. I feel really happy when I can read out parts of it so I hope you can make it to one of the shows 2022 / 23 ! For tour dates click here.
Filmed in Zurich & Athens.
When people ask me how it was to create my book: Intense time while diving into my old diaries that I wrote from 1999 - 2016, old stories, thoughts, habits, mistakes, hopes, fears and all those things that make us unique, problematic and beautiful. Even though I was on my own I was accompanied by my old & new self. Sharing that video of the process feels more intimate than the book itself. I feel really happy when I can read out parts of it so I hope you can make it to one of the shows 2022 / 23 ! For tour dates click here.
Filmed in Zurich & Athens.
The teachings of Fumio Inagaki (CH, 2021, 11min)
The short documentary about Japanese ballet teacher Fumio Inagaki was shot at the beginning of 2021. At the age of 88, Fumio is still teaching ballet in Zurich. As we get a short glimpse into his life he introduces us to his way of thinking, his Ikebana studio, and the way dancing keeps him young.
Subtitles are available in English, German, French and Greek - just click on the CC.
The short documentary about Japanese ballet teacher Fumio Inagaki was shot at the beginning of 2021. At the age of 88, Fumio is still teaching ballet in Zurich. As we get a short glimpse into his life he introduces us to his way of thinking, his Ikebana studio, and the way dancing keeps him young.
Subtitles are available in English, German, French and Greek - just click on the CC.
Richi on a Friday (CH, 2021, 3min)
Filming friends: Portrait of Richi. Spending the weird year of 2021 with friends, talking, chilling, trying out stuff.
Filming friends: Portrait of Richi. Spending the weird year of 2021 with friends, talking, chilling, trying out stuff.
Wordless thought (CH, 2021, 2min)
In the beginning of 2020 we practised something that would be quite useful in the upcoming months. Entering «skyspace» created by American artist James Turrell made silence the prevailing sound. This generated a meditative atmosphere where we found common ground to start playing around with our voices and our hands.
In the beginning of 2020 we practised something that would be quite useful in the upcoming months. Entering «skyspace» created by American artist James Turrell made silence the prevailing sound. This generated a meditative atmosphere where we found common ground to start playing around with our voices and our hands.
(UK, 2019, 24min)
The encounter of the filmmaker with other psoriasis-affected people is turned into a poetic journey that explores skin as a metaphor of belonging and belief. Worldwide 125 million people are affected by this very visible yet somehow hidden disease.
My graduation film from Goldsmiths University of London was nominated for the Grierson Award 2019.
> more infos
You can stream / download the film
--> here
Grierson Nominee 2019 in the category
Best student Documentary
--> here
Conversation about making the film
--> read here
--> article in the Swiss Medical journal
The encounter of the filmmaker with other psoriasis-affected people is turned into a poetic journey that explores skin as a metaphor of belonging and belief. Worldwide 125 million people are affected by this very visible yet somehow hidden disease.
My graduation film from Goldsmiths University of London was nominated for the Grierson Award 2019.
> more infos
You can stream / download the film
--> here
Grierson Nominee 2019 in the category
Best student Documentary
--> here
Conversation about making the film
--> read here
--> article in the Swiss Medical journal
Filmfestivals 2019
22/03 World Film Festival, Tartu, Estonia
25/04 Learning on Screen Festival, London, UK
27/04 Rigas Pasaules Filmu, Riga, Latvia
10/05 Exhibition: You don’t deserve to be an artist, London, UK
25/05 Ethnocineca Vienna, Austria
13/07 TsakBam Festival, Aegina, Greece
05/10 Kino Toni, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK, CH
17/10 Astra Film Festival, Sibiu, Romania
10/11 Panorama of the European Film, Cairo, Egypt
19/11 Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford, UK
02/12 Athens Ethnographic Film Festival, Athens, Greece
SARMA AND SKYPE (UK, 2017, 6min)
This film is about roots, culture, language, periods, bad moods, but mostly: STRONG WOMEN. My mum comes to London. I show her the city, she shows me how to cook Sarma, a traditional dish from the Balkans. Coming from Yugoslavia, she worked more than half of her life in Switzerland, where my siblings and I were born. I want to film her, instead she brings her own camera. This short film shows how our experience of that visit emerge through images and sound. It also shows that I love my mum.
This film is about roots, culture, language, periods, bad moods, but mostly: STRONG WOMEN. My mum comes to London. I show her the city, she shows me how to cook Sarma, a traditional dish from the Balkans. Coming from Yugoslavia, she worked more than half of her life in Switzerland, where my siblings and I were born. I want to film her, instead she brings her own camera. This short film shows how our experience of that visit emerge through images and sound. It also shows that I love my mum.
(UK, 2016, 5min)
I reflect upon the relationship between my best friend Olivia and me. It's about how friendship evolves by supporting and challenging each other.
I reflect upon the relationship between my best friend Olivia and me. It's about how friendship evolves by supporting and challenging each other.
FLAT MOOD MOMENT (UK, 2016, 2min)
London 2016: I’m starting my Master degree in Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths University. The 21st century hits me with all its ugliness, cruelty and absurdity.
London 2016: I’m starting my Master degree in Visual Anthropology at Goldsmiths University. The 21st century hits me with all its ugliness, cruelty and absurdity.
(UK/BiH/CH, 2018, 40min)
I join a research trip about the active youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a translator. My friend Kim and me are traveling to Zenica, Srebrenica and Sarajevo. What does it mean to be an activist and what does success mean in that context? The film tells about our trip in three parts: Youth, Time and Realism, each connected to the places visited. As I took along my camera I was able to capture young engaged people as well as a researcher in the quest of positive examples and possible change.
(UK/BiH/CH, 2018, 40min)
I join a research trip about the active youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a translator. My friend Kim and me are traveling to Zenica, Srebrenica and Sarajevo. What does it mean to be an activist and what does success mean in that context? The film tells about our trip in three parts: Youth, Time and Realism, each connected to the places visited. As I took along my camera I was able to capture young engaged people as well as a researcher in the quest of positive examples and possible change.
3sat Praktikum& Moderation (2016)
Backstage zu sein macht Angst! Das Herz rast, man vergisst zu atmen und dann kommen glücklicherweise absolut lockere Stars wie Jon Batiste. Der 29-jährige Pianist aus New Orleans ist der aufstrebende Stern am Jazz-Himmel. Unsere Reporter Lidija und Manuel berichten exklusiv für 3sat vom Montreux Jazzfestival, wo sie u. A. auch auf Jamie Cullum und Legende Quincy Jones treffen.
Backstage zu sein macht Angst! Das Herz rast, man vergisst zu atmen und dann kommen glücklicherweise absolut lockere Stars wie Jon Batiste. Der 29-jährige Pianist aus New Orleans ist der aufstrebende Stern am Jazz-Himmel. Unsere Reporter Lidija und Manuel berichten exklusiv für 3sat vom Montreux Jazzfestival, wo sie u. A. auch auf Jamie Cullum und Legende Quincy Jones treffen.
(CH, 2015, 27min)
A documentary about manual farming in the Swiss Alps, as well as about love, resisting convention, looking out for each other, filming and rediscovering the 'old ways'.
Collaboration with Nicholas Stücklin.
(CH, 2015, 27min)
A documentary about manual farming in the Swiss Alps, as well as about love, resisting convention, looking out for each other, filming and rediscovering the 'old ways'.
Collaboration with Nicholas Stücklin.